Proclaiming the Truth

Honouring the Lord

Serving the people 

To show the recordings of sermons in a series, select the title from the drop down box and press Change

Title Author Date Recorded File Size
God's Glory Shown, What Does it Show in You... Psalm 19 Steve Philpott 26th May 2024 6.58 MB
Evening Service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Stanley Delves Meeting 2024 Act 4v32-37 Jezza Walker 23rd May 2024 7.16 MB
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
What are you up to while Jesus is away? Matt 25v14-30 Mark Philpott 19th May 2024 6.43 MB
19th May Sunday morning
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
You cant save yourself Mark 10v13-31 Martin Hook 19th May 2024 6.73 MB
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
The Incomparable Riches of His Grace...Ephesians 2:7 Brian Edwards 12th May 2024 8.55 MB
Morning service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Shares together in the promise in Christ Jesus Brian Edwards 12th May 2024 7.32 MB
12th May 2024 eve
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
What is Jesus Worth to You?... Matt 26 v 1-16 Mark Philpott 5th May 2024 7.39 MB
Morning Service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Love check up p2... 1 Cor. 13 v 4-7 James Swanson 5th May 2024 7.88 MB
Evening Service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
BIBLE Top Trumps...1 Corinthians 13 James Swanson 28th April 2024 7.96 MB
Morning service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Gods Remedy for a Lost World... Isaiah 41-42 Nick McQuaker 28th April 2024 8.85 MB
Evening Service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Why Jesus Came... Matthew 9 v 9-13 Mark Philpott 21st April 2024 6.84 MB
Morning Service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
LOVE Check up... 1 Cor 13 v 4-7 James Swanson 21st April 2024 8.96 MB
Evening Service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Come...Come...Come... Isa 55 v1-7 John Cowley 14th April 2024 8.18 MB
Morning Service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
A saying we can trust... 2 Timothy 2 v 11-13 Mark Philpott 14th April 2024 6.39 MB
Evening Service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Born Twice...John 3:3 John Cowley 7th April 2024 6.9 MB
Morning service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
God gives the Growth... 1 Cor 2 v5-9 John Cowley 7th April 2024 6.4 MB
Evening Service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
The resurrection triumphs of the messiah Matt 28 John Cowley 31st March 2024 40.88 MB
Evening Serves
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Easter Sunday Mark Philpott and John Fuller 31st March 2024 38.4 MB
Morning Service
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