Proclaiming the Truth

Honouring the Lord

Serving the people 

To show the recordings of sermons in a series, select the title from the drop down box and press Change

Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Pictures of God's Mercy...Ps103 v12 John Cowley 14th May 2023 9.94 MB
Evening Service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Mission Update=- PNG Rosie Crouter 14th May 2023 11.35 MB
Mission Update
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
The Two Crowns of Jesus... Phil 2 v5-11 John Cowley 7th May 2023 49.29 MB
Morning Service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
We want a King..1 Sam 8 Mark Philpott 7th May 2023 13.27 MB
We want a King 1 Sam 8 7th may 2023
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Getting Going ... Neh 2 v9 - 3 v32 John Cowley 30th April 2023 17.3 MB
Morning service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
When I am afraid ( full sermon) Psalm 56 John Cowley 30th April 2023 7.21 MB
Sunday Evening service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
News, Prayer, Action... Neh 1v1 - 2v8 John Cowley 23rd April 2023 17.28 MB
Morning Service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
An Instagram view of Jesus with maryM James Swanson 23rd April 2023 7.75 MB
Sunday evening service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Grace … Eph 2v8-9 Mark Philpott 16th April 2023 16.55 MB
Morning Baptismal Service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Baptising Service Acts 8 26-30 (new and complete ) John Cowley 16th April 2023 10.38 MB
Sunday evening service including Baptisim
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Family Service Mark Philpott and John Fuller 9th April 2023 42.24 MB
Morning Service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Christ the Firstfruits... 1 Cor 15 v20-23 John Cowley 9th April 2023 42.55 MB
Evening Service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
The Fountain Opened … Zech.13.1 Paul Watts 7th April 2023 17.19 MB
Good Friday Service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
I am the resurrection and the life...John 11 Mark Philpott 2nd April 2023 15.58 MB
Morning service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
The King arrives Matt 21 Mark Philpott 2nd April 2023 3.56 MB
Sunday evening
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
I am the Door John 10v9 John Cowley 26th March 2023 16.24 MB
morning Service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Spiritual Insight 1 cor 3v6-16 John Cowley 26th March 2023 14.43 MB
Evening Service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Spiritual Insight 1Cor 6v16 John Cowley 26th March 2023 14.43 MB
Evening Service
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