Proclaiming the Truth

Honouring the Lord

Serving the people 

To show the recordings of sermons in a series, select the title from the drop down box and press Change

Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Made For Friendship... Various Passages Mark Philpott 24th September 2023 6.8 MB
Evening Service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
God's Word & me psalm 119 v 161-176 John Cowley 17th September 2023 8.22 MB
Evening Service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Restoration by the sea Luke 22v54-62 John 21v15-25 John Cowley 10th September 2023 8.14 MB
Morning Services
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Undeniably God...Judges 7 Mark Philpott 10th September 2023 8.65 MB
Evening service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
I have overcome the world... John 16 v33 Mark Philpott 3rd September 2023 44.08 MB
Morning service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Unloading on God...Psalm 55 John Cowley 3rd September 2023 7.49 MB
Evening service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Breakfast by the Sea... John 21 v1-14 John Cowley 27th August 2023 8 MB
Morning Service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Worship at the Wedding John Cowley 27th August 2023 7.65 MB
Evening Services
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
What Is Your Self-Worth?...1 Corinthians 7:17-24 James Swanson 20th August 2023 9.49 MB
Morning service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Praising the judge Rev 11v15-19,15v1-4 John Cowley 20th August 2023 8.15 MB
Evening Services
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Deliverance by the sea John Cowley 13th August 2023 7.64 MB
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
'Worshipping out Redeemer'... Rev 5 John Cowley 13th August 2023 7.2 MB
Evening Service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Jesus On the Sea...Matthew 14:22-33 John Cowley 6th August 2023 6.34 MB
Morning service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Dirty & Clean ... Mark 7&1 John 1 John Cowley 6th August 2023 6.45 MB
Evening Service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Stories by the Sea... Matt 13 John Cowley 30th July 2023 49.46 MB
Morning Service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
A song to our Creator Rev 4v9-11 John Cowley 30th July 2023 8.35 MB
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Following By the Sea...Matthew 4:18-22 John Cowley 23rd July 2023 7.98 MB
Morning service
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Three Barriers to Faith...Luke 7:18-35 Nick McQuaker 23rd July 2023 7.95 MB
Evening service
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