Proclaiming the Truth

Honouring the Lord

Serving the people 

Parables that punch 2 Matthew 21 v 33 to 46

Mark Philpott 23rd June morning service

Pleading with God Psalm 85

16 June Sunday Evening Rupert Bentley Taylor

Take Heart Mark 6 v45 to 56

16th June 2024 Morning Service with Rupert Bentley-Taylor

Drawing Comfort from God 1 Peter 5

9th June 2024 Sunday evening with Andrew King

Be salt and light for Crowborough Matthew 5 v 13 to 16

9th June 2024 Sunday morning Andrew King

Kingdom Growth Matthew 13: 24 to 43

Sunday evening 2nd June with Pete Hitchcock

Parables that punch Matthew 21 v 28 to 32

02 June 2024 Morning with Mark Philpott

Gods Glory Shown ...... what does it mean to me

Sunday evening May 26th With Steve Philpott