Proclaiming the Truth

Honouring the Lord

Serving the people 

Eternal Salvation Hebrews 4 v 16 - 6 v 3

Evening Service with Tim Burden

Bursting with Joy - Luke 10 v 17-24

Morning Service with Mark Philpott

Forgetting God in Relationships Malachi 2 v10-16

Sunday evening service with John Cowley

Multiplication and Division Luke 10 v 1-16

Our Morning Service with John Cowley

The Teachers get A Telling Off Malachi 2 v 1-9

Our Evening Service with John Cowley

Destination Jerusalem Luke 9 v46-62

Sunday Morning Service with John Cowley

Paul Oliver Jeremiah 29 v 1-14

Thursday September 24th

Disrespectful half-hearted worship Malachi 1

Sunday evening with John Cowley.

Seeing His Glory Luke 9 v 28-45

Sunday Morning Service with Mark Philpott