Proclaiming the Truth

Honouring the Lord

Serving the people 

Fault Finding

Sunday Morning live stream service John Cowley

Two Unselfish men Phil 2 v 19-30

Thursday evening address John Cowley

A hard hardhearted response to disaster Exo 8 v15

Sunday Evening live stream service John Cowley

Love your enemies Luke 6 v 26-37

Sunday Morning live stream service John Cowley

Living for God while apart...........Phil 2 12 - 13

Thursday evening live stream John Cowley

Seeing God

Sunday evening live stream John Cowley Many Bible passages including Rev 24 v 1-4

Upside down Kingdom values Luke 6 v17-26

Sunday Morning Live Stream John Cowley

This could be good for us 2 Chron 7 v 9-16

Thursday evening Address Tony Sharpe

If you could have one wish 1 Kings 3 v 3-15

Live Stream Sunday evening service Mark Philpott

The Twelve......... Luke 6 12-16

Sunday morning live stream service John Cowley